Tattoo Removal
Coloured Tattoo Removal
Pigment Reduction
Skin Rejuvenation
Tattoo Removal Pricing
Small Tattoo
A tattoo approximately 6cm in size will cost $75 or more
anything smaller will be charged according to size and tattoo type.
Medium Tattoo
A tattoo that is approximately over 6cm to 15cm or more in size will
cost $100 or more.
depending on size and tattoo type.
Large Tattoo
A tattoo larger than 20cm in size will cost over $150,
depending on the size or type of tattoo.
How It Works
Lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colours with a high-intensity light beam. Black tattoo pigment absorbs all laser wavelengths, making it the easiest colour to treat. Other colours can only be treated by selected lasers based upon the pigment colour.
The laser gently penetrates the skin so it can target the tattoo pigment.
Our machine has four wavelengths, meaning it can target most multi-coloured tattoos – including dark colours, red, orange, green, sky blue and yellow. The light energy gently vibrates and shatters the tattoo ink into micro-particles that are eventually eliminated through the body’s natural processes. Because the laser delivers the energy in a very precise ‘beam,’ physicians can trace the design without damaging the surrounding skin.
Results can vary depending on a number of factors.
Colour of your tattoo: Red is unpredictable; Green, sky blue, and yellow are all difficult to remove. Black generally responds well, as do oranges and purple.
Age of your tattoo: Old black tattoos generally do well, and need fewer treatments. However, many new, cheaper inks have a variety of unknown pigments, which may not respond to the usual wavelengths. Because of this, the number of treatments is unpredictable.
For this reason, we cannot guarantee results. Sometimes we won’t know how a colour will respond until after a few treatments and at that stage, we’ll advise whether it’s worth pursuing. The laser doesn’t remove pigment – it shatters the pigment into smaller particles, so blood cells can remove them. If there is a dense load of pigment, you may not see fading for the first few visits.
Please feel free to phone us with questions, or email a photo for a price estimate per treatment.
The number of treatments required is unpredictable, and may vary from 4 to 20 treatment.